Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Remember the last time you went to your mailbox and there was a card, or a postcard, or letter for you?  You were probably thrilled, intrigued, and feeling warm and fuzzy.  Do you remember when the last time you got an e-mail or a text, or perhaps a voicemail that gave you the SAME feeling?  Don't get me wrong, I've had some pretty nice emails in my inbox, but somehow it's just not the same as a carefully handwritten note.  Well, it turns out Stampin' Up feels the same way, and they're offering a special to prove it.

eScape is a kit that is being offered for a very limited time to encourage you to turn of your electronic communication tools and pick up a pen.  Included in the kit is one full-sized ink-pad in Ruby Red, the Circle of Friends stamp set (which coordinates nicely with the circle punches if you have them), a set of pre-cut "Love Notes", and a whole roll of Vanilla twill ribbon.  Your total, if you were to buy each of these items separately would be $51.70, but together in the kit they are being offered at a special price of $36.05.

This kit is a terrific value, and great for someone just starting or still building their collection of stamping supplies.  If you choose to buy this kit from me you will be invited to my house for an evening of stamping, chatting, and girl time.  This is not a class or a party, and I will not have projects prepared for you.  I just want to offer some social stamping time.  You can work on your cards from the kit, or bring another project you've been working on.  I am thinking this night of fun will take place on Friday, July 4th.

AS A BONUS, if you bring a friend who also purchases the kit, but has not attended one of my classes I will have a special gift for you.  Since I do not have to cut or prepare anything, this offer is not being limited in terms of how many can attend.  The more the merrier.  

**Although this kit is being offered through Stampin' Up until June 30th, you must have your order AND payment to me by June 20th in order to participate in the event on July 4th**

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