Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thank You

We all know someone we need to thank.  Possibly more than one person.  I am planning a Thank You Card class for Saturday, July 19.  We will be making 10 cards, and the class will include the set "Much Appreciated".  This set includes four appreciative sentiments that could be used on any Thank You card.  The cost of the class is $30, but I will need to have an idea of numbers well in advance so I can order the stamp sets.  I haven't decided which cards we will be making quite yet, but you can bet they'll be impressive.  They have to be -- I have a ton that I need to send out!  This is a great opportunity to grab the "Much Appreciated" set before it's gone, as it will be retiring next month!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Retirement!

Big news!  Anyone who's been an SU fan for awhile knows that usually once per year head office releases a long list of retiring stamps.  Well, this year's list is out and it's a doozy!  Grab a coffee (or a tea), put your feet up and have a peek.  Retiring sets are only available for a limited time, so if there are any "must-haves" on there don't let them pass you by!  Personally, I failed to buy "Ruff Day" from last year's retiring sets and I may never forgive myself.  I have a number of the retiring sets in my collection and I may be willing to part with some of them if anyone is willing to buy second-hand stamps at a discount price.  I'll keep you posted (anyone eyeballing "French Flair" and "Carte Postale" better buy their own though!).

Here is the list!

Keep in mind that the list of retiring accessories is yet to come.  You can bet that most (if not all) of the In Colours will be on said list.

An additional hint to those of you who are thinking about it -- now until the first week of August is a good time to host a party :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I made these fine cards yesterday afternoon to give all the Dad's in my life today.  I decided to use the same colour scheme as was used in the Loonies for Littles kit, which included Pumpkin Pie, Soft Sky, Old Olive and Very Vanilla.  I also decided to incorporate many elements of the office accessories line, including the tab punch, the coil punch, and some office series designer paper.  I think my favourite is the top one, but Jason really liked the one on bottom.  What do you think?

Saturday, June 14, 2008


For whatever reason, I have been feeling especially cheery this last little while.  Blame it on the weather, the new job, or the wedding planning -- regardless, I'm feeling pretty stoked.

While I don't have any cards to show you at the moment, I thought I would post an update on the garden situation.  As you can see they are coming along quite beautifully.  The rock garden is in and complete.  Notice we also decided to paint the shutters green.  The green has proven a bit controversial, but I like it.  Stay tuned for a new green door.

This sage plant has been another story.  Picture one is from a week or so ago, while picture two is from this morning.  I have been trying to cut it down to dry it, but it's HUGE.  I've run out of clothes-pins to hang it with.  Anyone have any crafty uses for dried sage?

The last pic is of my veggie garden as of this morning.  Isn't it gorgeous?  It's REALLY filling out, and I love it.  We have been eating fresh salads for a few weeks now, and I can't wait until we have carrots, onions and tomatoes to throw in them as well!

I will post again shortly with Father's Day cards which I am working on today.  I hope you're all enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Remember the last time you went to your mailbox and there was a card, or a postcard, or letter for you?  You were probably thrilled, intrigued, and feeling warm and fuzzy.  Do you remember when the last time you got an e-mail or a text, or perhaps a voicemail that gave you the SAME feeling?  Don't get me wrong, I've had some pretty nice emails in my inbox, but somehow it's just not the same as a carefully handwritten note.  Well, it turns out Stampin' Up feels the same way, and they're offering a special to prove it.

eScape is a kit that is being offered for a very limited time to encourage you to turn of your electronic communication tools and pick up a pen.  Included in the kit is one full-sized ink-pad in Ruby Red, the Circle of Friends stamp set (which coordinates nicely with the circle punches if you have them), a set of pre-cut "Love Notes", and a whole roll of Vanilla twill ribbon.  Your total, if you were to buy each of these items separately would be $51.70, but together in the kit they are being offered at a special price of $36.05.

This kit is a terrific value, and great for someone just starting or still building their collection of stamping supplies.  If you choose to buy this kit from me you will be invited to my house for an evening of stamping, chatting, and girl time.  This is not a class or a party, and I will not have projects prepared for you.  I just want to offer some social stamping time.  You can work on your cards from the kit, or bring another project you've been working on.  I am thinking this night of fun will take place on Friday, July 4th.

AS A BONUS, if you bring a friend who also purchases the kit, but has not attended one of my classes I will have a special gift for you.  Since I do not have to cut or prepare anything, this offer is not being limited in terms of how many can attend.  The more the merrier.  

**Although this kit is being offered through Stampin' Up until June 30th, you must have your order AND payment to me by June 20th in order to participate in the event on July 4th**